Blue Iris Learning Center
Please ALLOW 24 hours FOR Consultation payments to BE verified and processed

(Switchphrase/Energy Circle Recommendations)

Kat generally does Video Consultations weekdays BETWEEN 11 am and 6 pm Arizona time (UTC -7h)

$ 89.97 (USD)

After payment is made, please email Kat at

Your full name (from birth)
Current name (if different)
Date of birth (spell out month)
Place of birth
CONCERNS to be addressed
Same Information on anyone else you wish to include in any Energy Circle we may develop.
(Allows for more precise recommendations.)

Kat deeply researches and pays close attention to details as she works out these Recommendations.

Please note that once an Energy Circle is developed for specific CONCERNS, Kat often adds the Plain Energy Circle to the Subscription Boards at Blue Iris Learning Center after ALL Personal Information has been removed. This helps support other people's quests, and allows Kat to recover some of the costs in extra time involved in creating the Energy Circles.

Often research, development and presentation of a single Energy Circle requires several hours of Kat's time. Rather than charging you for all those hours, Kat chooses to make these Energy Circles more widely available by adding them to the Subscription Boards of the Forum.

To gain access to the Subscription Boards on Blue Iris Learning Center Forum, please subscribe to Blue Iris Learning Center at

Astro Remediation Box (ARB)
(use for balancing Astrological energies from your Birth Chart)

An ARB does not include a Consultation or specific recommendations for Switchwords, etc., relating to specific life situations.

Requires you to supply date, time and place of birth.

$ 94.99 (USD) per chart

After payment is made, please email Kat at

Your full name (from birth)
Current name (if different)
Date of birth (spell out month)
Time of birth
Place of birth

The Astro Remediation Box includes Planetary Frequencies/Blue Iris Numbers and Switchwords and may include additional customization.

An Astro Remediation Box (ARB) works on a general basis, helping to BALANCE Astrological Signs and Elements relating to your birth date, place and time, using Vedic Astrology as a base from which to work.

Also included are Zodiac Balancing Energy Circles, which address Astrological Imbalances, Corrections and Remediation, using Switchphrases and Number Codes, along with Biochemic Remedies and Bach Flower Remedies.

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